The french team: Théâtr’Action Bordeaux
The Association was created in 1993 by the German director Jürgen Genuit.
Théâtr’action tackles the issue of communication within our society, its main concern is our relationship with one another.
How can we cross the barriers of language, speech or thoughts in order to meet the other within his/her difference.
Théâtr’action, which spreads German or French texts written by German authors, wishes to be a dynamic cultural association as well as a creator of artistic projects both daring and demanding.
The german team: BüchnerBühne Riedstadt
BüchnerBühne Riedstadt was founded in 2008 by actor & director Christian Suhr in Goddelau, the birthplace of its name giver Georg Büchner.
With a repertoire of 22 plays, an increasing social network with a variety of cultural, educational and political institutions, all activities of the theatre are shaped by the self-conception of serving as a laboratory of social fantasies for the community:
How do we live together?
How will we, did we, should we …
Which values are we willing to share?
Based on Georg Büchner´s image of humanity, the theatre works offer their stage as a virtual room for social researches, only limited by our fantasies...
The polish team: TBP (Teatr Biuro Podróży) Poznań
TBP was founded in 1988 in Poznan, Poland, by Paweł Szkotak, the director.
For over 20 years of artistic development, the theatre has developed its own methodology of work on a performance and a unique style.
The intention was, and still remains today, to create new modes of expression, to explore and extend the possibilities of theatrical art. TBP also strives to increase our awareness of the life of different communities. Its mission has always been to reach out to new audiences (especially those who, because of their underprivileged social and political background, would normally not have access to artistic events). With this particular aim in mind, TBP created numerous open-air performances. They aim to create links between artists and artistic organisations, and provide training opportunities for people wherever possible.